I've been burnt out for so god-damn long with no idea of how to recover.
I just want to go back to the way things were so very badly.
Where I could just sit down at any time and draw or write whatever I wanted to for hours.
And have fun the whole time doing it.
Now I gotta spend half of all my available time alive either working to stay alive or sleeping to stay alive.
I've been in this hellish loop for over five years.
I want out.
I feel like I'm wasting this life away.
Working, sleeping, working, and sleeping.
I've barely done any of the things I set out to do when I dropped out of college several years ago.
I haven't had the the energy to work on meaningful projects.
I haven't had the time to make a new portfolio.
I can hardly even take the time to learn a new skill.
All I can do now is consume the content of people that I myself desired to become one day.
Fuck this, man. I want a refund.
Yo también siento que no estoy aprovechando mi vida, trato de hacer pequeñas cosas que me hagan feliz, aun que sea de vez en cuando, como pasear, salir con los amigos o garabatear